An Introduction

Because the doll Live Journal's information page could not take anymore bios (too much text), The Chaos Crew's bios have been moved here.

This is now their biography blog. All bios have Live Journal links to each doll's tag so you can read about them at onna no baka gaki on Live Journal, an open doll journal.

Not all dolls have bios yet. It is sometimes a long process to 'hear' a character's bio info, especially if the doll was an impulse purchase.

All dolls are posted by their arrival date, not the date of the actual post. This means new doll bios will be post-dated. Check back for new names on the right side.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

11/30/11: Asiago

Name: Asiago (his Live Journal tag)

Asiago is an Italian cow's milk cheese with different textures depending on its age, from smooth to crumbly texture.

Nickname: none

Arrival Date: 11/30/11

Birthday: unknown

Model: Doll Leaves 1st Anniversary Jax Bunny, 16cm

Skin: normal

Face up: by onna (me)

Customization(s): none

Wig: none

Eyes: 12mm (I think) pink glass pupiless

Age: adult

Nationality: usagi yôkai

Blood Type: carrot juice

Height: average

Weight: average

Shoe Size: doesn't like them

Sexual Preference: not known at this time

Favourite colours: denim, red, orange

Favourite foods: carrot soup, lettuce wraps, vegetable lasagna

Occupation: royal gardener

Looks: overalls, kimono

Secrets: none at this time

Hobbies: growing vegetables; carving pumpkins; collecting seeds

Personality: quiet and shy; observes those around her

Likes: warm earth between the toes; new grass; mulch

Dislikes: winter; wilted plants; salt water

November 30, 2011: Vejii-chan (Vejiita)

Name: Vejii-chan (Vejiita). Vejii-chan is a younger and a/u version of the character Vejiita from the anime/manga, Dragonball Z. He has the bangs of the child Vejiita in the series. (his Live Journal tag)

Pun of the word vegetable, per Toriyama Akira's naming convention.

Nickname: brat prince, monkey prince, pencil head, bad man

Arrival Date: November 30, 2011

Birthday: unknown

Model: Luts Kid Delf Bory - 42.5cm

Skin: Real Skin normal

Face up: custom faceup by Luts - paid extra for the black eyebrow arch

Customization(s): custom fur wig

Wig: Custom fur wig by Spite and Malice

Eyes: Dollzone 14mm black glass (from DZ V1 Petdoll fox)

Age: Adult full-blood Saiyajin - about 15 in human years

Nationality: Saiyajin (alien)

Blood Type: AB boiling

Height: short - 5'3"

Weight: unknown

Shoe Size: unknown

Sexual Preference: don't know yet

Favourite colours: royal blue, white, gold, black

Favourite foods: his foes, all meats, bananas, anything

Occupation: Prince of all Saiyajin in an alternate universe

Looks: Saiyajin body suits, boots, gloves and armour, khaki pants, pink shirts, tank tops and tights or sweat pants, trainers

Secrets: wants to be immortal and rule the galaxy; can change into an Oozaru during a full moon

Hobbies: blowing up people and planets, eating, training, sparring

Personality: Sadistic, merciless, obsessed, arrogant, grumpy, vain, egotistical

Likes: Training to get stronger, eating, learning new fighting techniques, killing, not having to deal with Frieza or any of his lackeys while being with the Crew.

Dislikes: Weakness, Frieza, being under Trans' anti-aggressive spell so he is unable to destroy as he likes and cannot change into his Oozaru state

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

November 29, 2011: Lotus

Name: Lotus

Hujoo WS Persian Dorothy

Meaning(s): any of a number of flowering plant that grows on the surface of water; large water lilies

Bio pending

November 29th, 2011: Madoka

Name: Madoka (her Live Journal tag) She is Talis' full older sister and a daughter of Kane.

Madoka: Japanese for circle or round

Nickname: Mean Sister, Meanie

Arrival Date: November 29th, 2011

Birthday: unknown

Model: Dollzone BB ShuangShuang fullset, 26.5cm

Skin: white

Face up: Dollzone default faceup

Customization(s): None at this time

Wig: ShuangShuang fullset red fiber (GW25-001)

Eyes: Shuang Shuang fullset default 18mm gold glass (G18-104)

Age: about eight or nine in human years

Nationality: Usagi yôkai

Blood Type: A

Height: growing

Weight: growing

Shoe Size: small

Sexual Preference: She's a little girl - hasn't considered it

Favourite colours: red, black, white, shiny gold, yellow

Favourite foods: pears. cotton candy, green salad

Occupation: little girl and big sister

Looks: Asian outfits and basic dresses. Not into very frilly clothes.

Secrets: loves her brother, Talis, but won't tell him

Hobbies: music and dancing; pestering her brother

Personality: brash and loud

Likes: learning the performing arts from her father, Kane; girl talk with Tamarind

Dislikes: onions, messy hair, roses with thorns