An Introduction

Because the doll Live Journal's information page could not take anymore bios (too much text), The Chaos Crew's bios have been moved here.

This is now their biography blog. All bios have Live Journal links to each doll's tag so you can read about them at onna no baka gaki on Live Journal, an open doll journal.

Not all dolls have bios yet. It is sometimes a long process to 'hear' a character's bio info, especially if the doll was an impulse purchase.

All dolls are posted by their arrival date, not the date of the actual post. This means new doll bios will be post-dated. Check back for new names on the right side.

Monday, March 8, 2010

March 8, 2010: Shiitake

NOTE: Doll needs faceup so is not ready to be revealed.

Name: Shiitake
(his Live Journal tag)

Name Meaning(s): an edible mushroom native to East Asia, long been considered a delicacy as well as a medicinal mushroom

Nickname: Mushroom

Arrival Date: March 8, 2010


Model: Lady Saiyuki Wolfram, 25cm

Skin: beautiful light grey (Bobobie grey)

Face up: none at this time

Customization(s): none at this time

Wig: none at this time

Eyes: pending at this time - still trying different things

Age: Adult

Nationality: some kind of wolf yôkai. Japanese.

Blood Type: still winter woods

Height: varies

Weight: varies

Shoe Size: doesn't wear shoes

Sexual Preference: don't know yet

Favourite colours: blacks, whites, greys, silvers

Favourite foods: raw meat; beef stroganoff with mushrooms; cream of mushroom soup

Occupation: elemental helper - snow, ice, silence

Looks: medieval; kimono

Secrets: doesn't seem to have any

Hobbies: hasn't told me yet

Personality: hasn't told me yet

Likes: he does like to cuddle and comfort

Dislikes: hasn't told me yet