An Introduction

Because the doll Live Journal's information page could not take anymore bios (too much text), The Chaos Crew's bios have been moved here.

This is now their biography blog. All bios have Live Journal links to each doll's tag so you can read about them at onna no baka gaki on Live Journal, an open doll journal.

Not all dolls have bios yet. It is sometimes a long process to 'hear' a character's bio info, especially if the doll was an impulse purchase.

All dolls are posted by their arrival date, not the date of the actual post. This means new doll bios will be post-dated. Check back for new names on the right side.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

May 3, 2011: Nanaki (Red XIII)

Name: Nanaki (his Live Journal tag)

From - Nanaki: Remove the last letter from that name and you are left with Nanak, the historical figure who is considered the founder of Sikhism, a religion of the Indian subcontinent fusing Hinduist and Muslim belief systems. All the more interestingly, Nanak was an Indian, a "true" Indian, and Red XIII, son of Seto and Cosmo Canyon, ecological warrior, wearer of headdresses, is clearly too meant to symbolize the "Indian" native peoples of North America, stereotypically viewed as scrupulous protectors of their land and devoted praisers of their forebears. This young Nanaki is in humanoid form instead of his normal feline-ish form. This is prior to the events in both the original Final Fantasy VII game and Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core.

Nickname: Red XIII, Red, Nanaki-kun, Nakitty

Arrival Date: May 3, 2011

Birthday: unknown

Model: BambiCrony Ciao Bella LE Tan Kumi Elf on Version 1 body, 27cm

Skin: tan

Face up: BambiCrony default faceup enhanced by Kurasakura

Customization(s): Customizations by Kurasakura, including wired tail with 'flaming' mohair tuft, clothes and all jewelry/accessories

Wig: long, chocolate brown mohair

Eyes: 16mm glass yellow cat eyes

Age: 13 in his species' years, 34 in actual years

Nationality: unknown feline species from the Planet

Blood Type: unknown

Height: unknown

Weight: unknown

Shoe Size: doesn't wear shoes

Sexual Preference: heterosexual

Favourite colours: earth tones, tans, yellow, sand

Favourite foods: all meats, cooked and raw

Occupation: a Guardian of the Canyon - fighter, magic user, traveler, thinker

Looks: loin-cloth, hairclips, decorative combs, feathers, bracelets, beaded breastplate, headdresses

Secrets: torn between living like an animal or a human - his intelligence and conscience makes it difficult for him to live as an animal, while his animal appearance and qualities make him seen as such by humans who disregard his humanizing traits. Because of this, he has changed his appearance to a humanoid for the experience.

Hobbies: Learning, watching nature, guarding the environment

Personality: Strong sense of honor and courage, polite, curious and observant; highly intelligent, knows much about the Planet due to being raised at Cosmo Canyon.

Likes: His 'father', Bugenhagen, living in Cosmo Canyon, astronomy

Dislikes: almost all humans, tattoos, Shinra, being called a coward * Canon character information from

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