An Introduction

Because the doll Live Journal's information page could not take anymore bios (too much text), The Chaos Crew's bios have been moved here.

This is now their biography blog. All bios have Live Journal links to each doll's tag so you can read about them at onna no baka gaki on Live Journal, an open doll journal.

Not all dolls have bios yet. It is sometimes a long process to 'hear' a character's bio info, especially if the doll was an impulse purchase.

All dolls are posted by their arrival date, not the date of the actual post. This means new doll bios will be post-dated. Check back for new names on the right side.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

May 24, 2006: Chikara

Name: Chikara
(his Live Journal tag)

Name Meaning(s): Japanese for power, strong, strain, bear up, exert

Nicknames: Brat, Little Shit, Stinker, Tiny Dancer, Stinkerbutt, Cat, Kitten, Damned Cat, Bad Cat, "get out of that/there!"

Arrival Date: May 24, 2006

Birthday: October 31

Model: Dollzone Megi, 45cm (1st gen body-one of the first Megis produced)

Skin: new normal skin

Face up: by Dollzone artist Ulat

Customization(s): none at this time

Wig: Default frosted grey (this will change periodically for holidays)

Eyes: Default green Dollzone 16mm

Age: He hasn't told me yet, but he has quite a few centuries on him. He is still a child in many respects, however.

Nationality: not from around here...

Blood Type: O

Height: 131 cm; Weight: changes it at will when he wants to cause trouble

Shoe Size: He used to not like wearing them but he now enjoys the fashion statements he makes with them, so he wears them all the time.

Sexual Preference: Although he has not shown any sexual inclination toward anything at this time, he has been approached by a few girls and has acted mildly interested.

Favourite colours: Purple, green, burgundy, red

Favourite food: Whatever is not moving. (Don't eat that!)

Occupation: Spreading chaos wherever he goes

Looks: Fabric draped on body, Asian-inspired cuts, traditional Japanese, he now likes modern clothing (teeshirts, jeans, shorts) because his friends wear it

Secrets: I don't think we want to know all the details... He is a polymorph who leans toward the feline variety but enjoys being in his current form because it allows him to dance and move his body in a lyrical manner while having hands and opposable thumbs so he can open things.

Hobbies: Causing havoc and mayhem, pestering people, eating, getting in the way, licking wallpaper, burping The Star-Spangled Banner (his friend in San Francisco taught him), dancing, singing both off-key and on-key depending on his mood and who he wants to irritate doing it, sleeping in dirty laundry.

Personality: Outrageous, brazen, very cat-like ("I want this so it is mine now!"), an ex-loner who discovered he likes being cuddled by humans.

Likes: A large fluffy warm soft place to sleep; food; singing and dancing; cuddling with Shuichi; messing with Hatori's hair; pissing-off Eiri; playing with his 'pet', Shindô; his stuffed kitty, Kitty and his stuffed bunny, Usagi Dagger; LOVES his FANCLUB!

Dislikes: Being ignored; Eiri; being told he cannot eat something; the word "NO!"; his brother, Nasake.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

May 17, 2006: Sôma Hatori

Name: Sôma Hatori
(his Live Journal tag)

Nicknames: Tori, Ha'ri, Ha-san, Doc, Sensei

Arrival Date: May 17, 2006

Birthday: I am still looking for it, however, my research says he is a Cancer, so that narrows the date to somewhere between June 21 and July 22.

Model: Orient Doll Tae (special), 40cm

Skin: basic

Face up: by unknown Orient Doll artist

Customization(s): none at this time

Wig: Default OD black (black*)

Eyes: Default grey (official stats say green*)

Age: original age in anime/manga - 26 to 27*; in my universe - 19-20

Nationality: Japanese*

Blood Type: A*

Height: 182 cm (6'0")*; Weight: 69 kg (152 lbs)*

Shoe Size: unknown

Sexual Preference: Hetrosexual

Favourite colours: Typical male colours - blues, tans, browns

Favourite food: sushi and sake

Occupation: Because I have time-shifted him so he is younger, he is not yet the Sôma family doctor*. He has the ability to erase anyone's memory to keep the Sôma secret underwraps*. He is working on the first stage of his medical degree and is already gifted in healing.

Looks: suits, lab coat over suits, traditional Japanese

Secrets: He carries the Sôma family curse - he transforms into one of the animals of the Chinese Zodiac (the dragon) if he is hugged by a member of the opposite gender or if his body is put under a lot of stress.* However, he transforms not into a dragon but what is considered a baby dragon - a seahorse.* He is very self-conscious about this.*

Hobbies: Reading*, sleeping, keeping up with the latest in medical journals.

Personality: Stoic, grave, grounded, subtle sense of humour.

Likes: Reading on a quiet afternoon; a good meal; hanging out with Eiri (who is quiet, too); being left alone and in peace; getting to know his potentially future girlfriend, Onza.

Dislikes: Being pestered by his best friends, Ayame and Shigure*; meetups (the girls ignore him); Being pestered by Chikara and Shuichi; traveling; being pestered.

*official Stats